What is your name, what college or university do you attend ? Joseph Blount Jr., Central State University


What is your position on the field ?

Safety/ Defensive Back


What types of activities do you enjoy in your spare time? Workout, Relax my body and workout some more


As a leader how do you get others to follow you when you are in a leadership

role ?

I just lead by example I don’t talk much but my actions clearly show a leadership role


What is your work-out routine, how do you keep yourself in shape and competitive on and off the field ? Workout almost every day for about 45 minutes to an hour, I have to stay ahead of the next man that’s my workout routine


What’s your main passion in life? Main passion in life is to continue building a strong relationship with God, everything else will fall in to place.


What is your strengths and weakness on the field ? Strengths is my instinct to the ball, I’m not a one dimensional player can play multiple positions, No Weakness their is always room for improvement.


When other athletes see you on the cover of The Superior Sports Network, what do you want to get from this interview when reading this? I want to get a young man just chasing a dream, trying to turn it into a reality.



Who was the Role-Model In your life, and how has him or her pushed you to be the best man you need to be in life ? No role model in my life


A lot of kids look up to you as a role model. Is being a role model something you take pride in? Yes I take pride in it because kids will follow in whoever they look up to footsteps so I have to be caution of my actions and reputation.

What is Style to you, how do you keep yourself with the latest style to the next level ? People have their own style and so do I but I don’t keep up with the latest style now a days, everyone is different.


Tell me about being at this point in your career. Have you accomplished everything you’ve set out to accomplish? No I haven’t accomplished everything I set out for I have no limits if you set limits for yourself you won’t excel in life.


You are known for having one of the more eccentric and outgoing personalities in career. Why do you think you have that reputation? I have this reputation because of just who I am as a person I don’t try and be someone I’m not that’s why I get the respect I do now.


If we did a book/movie about you, what would be the title of the book or movie be, will be a drama, action, thriller, or documentary.

It would have to be a documentary and the title of the book would be, “Long Road to Success”

Views: 171


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